Northern Pintail, Connecticut River, Hadley, MA, Dec 11, 2014 |
Northern Pintails (pair), Connecticut River, Hadley, MA, Dec 11, 2014 |
last three days has featured the ongoing effects of a nor’easter that has
slowly moved through the region.
Thankfully the heavy snow stayed off to our north and west but we still
started and ended the storm with ice and snow.
The heavy rain (2”+) plus cool temperatures in the 30’s has made it
miserable to be outside. With these
conditions I would not be surprised if some unusual birds (mainly waterfowl)
lurk out there waiting to be discovered (James Smith did have a Barrow’s
Goldeneye in among a large goldeneye flock in Turners Falls on Tuesday). I wish I had the time to get out and check
various spots but I have had to be content with checking the river in Hadley
briefly on my way in. Waterfowl numbers
were good but variety was low with the notable species being half a dozen Northern
Pintail (four males and two females).
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