Common Loon, Winsor Dam, Quabbin Park, MA, Oct 24, 2014 |
Northern Harrier, Winsor Dam, Quabbin Park, MA, Oct 24, 2014 |
Spotted Sandpiper, Gate 52, Quabbin Park, MA, Oct 24, 2014 |
Red necked Grebe, Winsor Dam, Quabbin Park, MA, Oct 24, 2014 |
Spotted Sandpiper, Hank's Meadow, Quabbin Park, MA, Oct 24, 2014 |
Spent the morning checking out south Quabbin in search of left over birds from the nor'easter that continues to move away. I awoke to some fairly decent rain and a continued north wind. I started at Winsor Dam where I found nothing at all in almost twenty minutes of watching in a driving rain at first light. I then headed into the park to try my luck and find some areas a little more sheltered from the wind. I made stops at Hank's Meadow, Goodnough Dike and the Route 9 marsh. The only bird I had out on the water on the reservoir was a Common Loon at Goodnough. ...strange to have only one bird on the water in late October. The marsh was much more active with seven species of waterfowl including 30+ Canada Geese, half a dozen Wood Ducks, four Black Ducks, six Mallards, two Green winged Teal, three Hooded Mergansers and a Pied billed Grebe. The best bird I found during this stop at Quabbin Park was a somewhat late Spotted Sandpiper at Hank's Meadow that I managed to get a few photos of. The rain let up a bit around 7:30 so I decided to head back to Winsor Dam again where I stayed for about an hour and had some birds moving despite the continued drizzle. The only bird out on the water was a single Red necked Grebe that flew in from the north and settled in to feed to the west of the dam. A couple Common Loons never set down but just flew around the area before disappearing to the north. Also had several raptors including three Northern Harriers (two together plus a single a little later). Other migrants included about 30 Blue Jays and a dozen Pine Siskins. I then tried my luck at Beaver Lake in Ware to see if any waterfowl might be more inclined to be on a smaller body of water...found just a couple Common Mergansers there. I then wandered back to Quabbin Park heading over to Gate 52 where I found a single Horned Grebe (third species of grebe for the morning) plus a Spotted Sandpiper...probably the same one I saw earlier in the morning at nearby Hank's Meadow but who knows for sure? A few more stops at Winsor Dam later in the morning turned up a few more geese migrating plus a few more species of raptor but nothing unusual.
American Pipit, Valley St., Hatfield, MA, Oct 23, 2014 |
American Pipit, Valley St., Hatfield, MA, Oct 23, 2014 |
The bulk of the storm hit yesterday with heavy rain (a few inches) and strong winds. I was unable to get out at all until very late in the day as I headed north from Northampton to Deerfield for an appointment. I checked several fields in Hatfield into Whately and most fields were devoid of birds. I did manage to find 45 or so American Pipits along Valley Street in Hatfield as well a a few Rusty Blackbirds mixed into small blackbird flocks in a couple locations. The only geese I found were a group of about half a dozen flying north. Elsewhere yesterday I heard of all three species of scoter being grounded by the storm as well as few other waterfowl species but nothing unexpected. Really wish I could have checked Quabbin yesterday...oh well.
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